2019 Stocking Fillers for Him & Her | Christmas Gift Guide
Disclaimer: Some of the following products were sent for the purpose of testing them out for review. These products are highlighted by the use of an asterisk (*) beside them. This post also contains affiliate links which are indicated by the use of a dagger (†). All review words and opinions are my own. All photos are copyright property of Me Becoming Mum.
Stocking fillers for her
Socks and tights

Face mask
I love getting face masks in my stocking each year. They are easy to use, cheap to buy and always leave my skin feeling fresh and fab-u-lous. To be fair though, they aren't the prettiest product… unless you go fancy and pick up this lush T-Zone glitter peel-off mask*. The silver one is designed to draw out impurities and keep skin clear; something I desperately need at the moment with my awful pregnancy skin.
Hair and skin balm
The best part is it can also be used on hair, so if you (or the person you're buying for) have dry hair, this could be the ideal solution. You can buy it directly from Coconut Merchant, on Amazon
Miniature books
You may remember I have shared posts about my battles with mental health (which may have stemmed from previous miscarriages, my secondary infertility disgnosis and/or the obvious hormonal changes of stopping breastfeeding. Now that I am off my medication and in a really good place mentally it is important for me to stay that way.
Stocking fillers for him
Gillette shaving gel or mousse
Unless the man in your life loves to grow his beard (in which case a more appropriate stocking filler for him might be beard oil!) it's likely that you will have a champion stocking filler in the form of shaving foams or gels. The best part is they can be found at bargain prices (I always buy John's from Poundland!)
Anyone else find that for some reason your partner's boxers (or briefs if that's his preference) seem to just… disappear? I mean, honestly! Where do they go? I think they travel to the same other dimension as odd socks. Regardless, it's always a good plan to stick a pair (or 3) in as stocking fillers for him. That way, at least for a short while, he'll have enough again.
Stocking fillers for him and her
Useful Stocking Fillers
Baking tools
Stocking fillers for drinking
Coffee Syrup*
Stocking fillers for eating
Galaxy Truffles
Chocolate. Always chocolate. While your at it, make it look like you've gone upmarket and luxury with the amazing Galaxy Truffles. I cannot begin to explain how truly lush these are (and how much I really didn't want to have to share them… but you know, I’m a wife and mama!) The box is pretty cool too, and it almost looks Christmas gift worthy; although as they are relatively budget-friendly they are definitely in stocking filler idea territory instead. If you want to buy a box as a stocking filler (or just to eat…) they're easy to find at all the major supermarkets.
Other snacks…
Topping up my stocking fillers list with a variety of cheap snacks and treats makes sense… especially as it stops the stocking becoming too over-priced, but still fills I up. This year I grabbed some M&Ms in limited edition flavours as I know John will love them, along with some nuts and fruit pouches, liquorice and more! The best thing is there is so much choice you can literally cover all the bases of whatever your partner likes the most.

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas from my family and me this year!
For more posts about Christmas, visit the Christmas category page. If you have any questions about any of the products included within my gift guide, feel free to ask in the comments section below.
Get ready for Christmas with some of my top 2020 stocking fillers for children and babies here.