The Christmas Tag 2017
I was tagged by the lovely ladies over at Arepops and also Mrs Mummy Harris to take part in this year's blogger Christmas tag... so here goes!
What’s your favourite Christmas movie?
I'm not sure what my favourite Christmas movie is to be honest, I have a few that I enjoy! Home Alone is a classic but The Snowman is something that Squidgy insists on us watching so is always going to be up there at the top because of the memories we have made together.
Have you ever had a white Christmas?
As far as I can remember we have yet to have a white Christmas. We have had snow on my birthday (at the end of January) and also more recently my girls had their first proper snow this year but not actually on Christmas.
Where do you usually spend your holiday?
When I was younger we used to have trips away with my family but for the past nine years that hasn't been the case. For most of them John and I spent Christmas with his parents as we were close by and working in retail meant one or both of us would be working either side of Christmas day. Since having the girls we have spent time at home as a family and had friends over to join us.
What is your favourite Christmas song?
I think it depends if you are talking about songs or hymns... I am a massive fan of Christmas so love many! O' Come All He Faithful is probably my favourite hymn; and as for songs I love All I Want For Christmas (Is You) and Rocking Around the Christmas Tree are two at the top of my list.
Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
We always have always had a sneaky present on Christmas Eve, and now I make up a Christmas Eve box for our girls with stuff to keep them occupied while I sort out our annual party and also the bits for Santa (his treat board and the 'I Believe' bell for example.)
Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Sadly yes... mainly thanks to the beginning of the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer song... "You know Dasher, and Dancer, and Prancer, and Vixen; Comet, and Cupid, and Donner, and Blitzen; but do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all?"
What holiday traditions are you looking forward to this year?
Whether it is our annual trip to Baytree Garden Centre's Winter Wonderland, decorating our house (did you see the awesome post I wrote on the amazing amount of decorating that we do?!) doing the daily elf on a shelf or getting my Christmas bake on there are so many things that I have to look forward at this time of year. Christmas has always been and will always be my favourite time of year and we have so many fantastic holiday traditions to enjoy together.
Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
We always have a miniature real tree in our home but the main tree that we decorate in our living room is a beautiful fake one that we bought in the sale a couple of years ago. The tree that we used to have is now being used by my younger brother in his new flat.
What is your favourite holiday treat, food or sweet?
I love myself a good ol' mince pie at this time of year but my all time favourite treat has to be the amazing gingerbread biscuits otherwise known as lebkuchen! Omnom.
Be honest, do you like giving or receiving gifts better?
I do love getting a gift or two but the best part for me has always been giving gifts and seeing the reaction people have to them. This is even more true now when I get to see our gorgeous girls opening and enjoying their gifts.
What is the best Christmas present you ever received?
I honestly cannot pin point the best gift that I have received for Christmas... I have had so many wonderful ones over the years; from diamond jewellery to beautiful clothing my husband and family have always done amazingly well when it comes to purchasing gifts for me at Christmas.
What is your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
I would love to do a holiday on a Cunard Christmas cruise or Disney World as a holiday season trip one day. It wouldn't be an easy thing to pull off as a) they are very expensive and b) my husband works in retail and that means that we will be unlikely to get permission for him to take time off at their busiest time of year. I can still dream though.
Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
Pro! I love wrapping, although I do not have the time that I used to in order to add ribbons and bows the way that I used to. I still make presents look as good as possible though and they are always neat and pretty.
Most memorable Christmas memory?
That is an easy one to answer... Having Little L just ten days before Christmas last year has to be the number one memorable Christmas memory. Obviously.
What made you realise the truth about Santa?
I don't remember anything about the idea of Santa and me as a child... I do remember making a child cry at my primary school though when I told them that he wasn't real #oops.
What makes the holidays special for you?
Christmas is all about family for me, so being able to spend time with my husband and two beautiful girls is all I need to make this time of year special.
For more posts about Christmas, visit the Christmas category page. If you have any ideas for upcoming content or things you would like to see on my blog, feel free to share in the comments section below.
It's 2023 and Belle, our Christmas elf has returned for another advent! Find her antics here.