Getting Induced | Pickle's Birth Story

If you read my post about Squidgy's birth story; you will know that she came into the world very quickly, surprising everyone. Pickle entered the world very differently, but it was every bit just as wonderful to welcome her into our lives.

Finding out I was to be induced

​I had literally less than a full days notice that I would be going in to hospital for an induction. Although I wasn't surprised, the lack of notice wasn’t great for someone like me who is likes to plan and be organised.

Organising childcare

The first (and possibly most important!) thing I had to organise was childcare for Squidgy. She was only in nursery part-time; and both sides of the family lived almost 2 hours away. Luckily my friend was able to book the day off work on the day of my induction. In addition, I was able to organise for her to stay in nursery for a full day instead of half session for the following day. Once the child care was sorted, it was simply a matter of going in and having my baby. Or so I thought, anyway.

The induction

The pessary was put in at 10:40am and by 11am I was showing signs of the labour advancing. I was in agony, I was contracting hard and as time went on, it got worse. Despite all signs pointing towards things progressing, however, I remained only 3cm dilated. In the end they took the pessary out. I felt like I needed to push, yet wasn't dilating. We just had to wait.

That night, everything kicked up a notch. The pains were getting worse, and closer together. They encouraged me to have a bath, and put on the special lights (which made me feel like I was at a disco!) to help create a calm atmosphere; but even after hours of waiting I was still only 3cm dilated.

The midwife decided the best course of action was to break my waters.She tried. Twice. She couldn't do it! She went to find a doctor to try; but by the time she returned with him, my waters (ironically) went on their own! After that I needed stronger and stronger pain relief; going from paracetamol to codeine, then oramorph, and finally pethidine. It was exhausting (for John too, having to put up with me!) and as things continued to progress, they moved me to a delivery room.

I spent the entire night moving around, bouncing on the gym ball, doing squats and walking. Eventually, they put me on the drip. I was then given six hours before they would intervene. It was not pleasant. In fact, it was the worst experience of my life. Especially as nothing seemed to be happening. John had to go home and sort our daughter out for nursery, so he left to do so and promised to return once she was safely dropped off.

Choosing to have an epidural

Around four hours after the drip had started, I could no longer cope with the pain. It was excruciating. I asked for more pethidine, but I wasn’t allowed any more. So I did the thing I had always said I wouldn't. I asked for an epidural. I was in tears; a mixture of the pain and the feeling of failure because I had asked for an epidural.

The e epidural was inserted, I rested, and a little while later, I could feel the urge to push.

Giving birth

Holding on to John's hand, I pushed when I needed to (still pretty out of it thanks to the epidural!) and eventually I was handed my tiny baby. She was beautiful; complete with a head full of hair, and chunkier than her sister; she was absolutely perfect.

There is nothing more special than that moment when you hold your baby for the first time. However for me, I think it was closely matched by seeing my husband hold our daughter for the first time. I was so glad that this time, he was there to share in the whole experience.

Going home

Unlike with Squidgy, they were happy with everything. As soon as my legs were back in action post-epidural, I'd had a decent long pee, a shower, and shown that I was confident with breastfeeding and changing my baby they said I could go home.

Knowing that we were going to be able to go home the same day was so exciting. Plus, how amazing that the first outfit our little girl wore was her 'going home' outfit.

Meeting her big sister

My favourite moment of that day (after holding my new baby for the first time and sharing my birth experience with my husband) was Squidgy's reaction to her new baby sister.

She absolutely dotes on her baby sister, even now! She has been amazing; joining in everything and constantly wanting cuddles! 

I may have felt rough around the edges - and I'm pretty sure I didn't look anywhere near perfect - but we of course had to have obligatory photos with our girls. The first of many!

This birth story could not have been any different to my first, from the length of time, to the level of pain relief that I had.

I wouldn't change a thing, however! This birth story is another that I will never forget, and one that - although hard - was worth it, because it brought our beautiful rainbow baby into the world!


 For more blog posts about new babies from photos to must have products, check out the category here. Have you had an induction before? How was your experience? Let me know in the comments below.


