Munchkin's Newborn Photoshoot | Newborn Memories

The girls had their newborn photoshoots (check out Squidgy's here and Pickle's here) and so it was obvious we wer going to make sure that Munchkin had one too! Here are a few of my favourite photos from our collection of over sixty shots.

After his arrival two weeks early, I was kind of thrown through a loop with regards to taking newborn photos for Munchkin. The props I had ordered hadn’t arrived and apart from creating a Pinterest board of ideas I hadn’t really figured out what I wanted to do… The only thing I was sure of was that I was going to take and edit the photos myself.

Just Munchkin

The best thing about taking the photos myself was being able to take exactly what I wanted, and having no time limit to do so. If I needed to change his nappy or our milk monster wanted milk, I could do it without panicking I was missing out on time to take the perfect photo.

Our little rainbow

Teeny tiny features

With props

Family photos

The most important photo I wanted to make sure we took was one of my family of five. Our first photo of all of us together, then I just wanted to make sure we had a few with John, myself and the girls with Munchkin.

All of us together

With daddy

With mummy

The eldest daughter and eldest son

Sisterly love

So, do you have a favourite? I am so pleased with how they turned out… especially as I don't have a studio set up (the backdrop to most of these is a cream duvet cover!) I loved taking these, and can't wait to take more photos of my gorgeous family in the future!

For more blog posts about new babies from photos to must have products, check out the category here. Did you have a newborn photoshoot, or would you consider it now? Let me know in the comments below.


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Munchkin's Newborn Photoshoot