Top Teething Products for 2020 | Baby Products

Disclaimer: Some of the following products were sent for the purpose of testing them out for review. These products are highlighted by the use of an asterisk (*) beside them. All review words and opinions are my own. All photos are copyright property of Me Becoming Mum.


A drooling, fussy baby is often a teething baby. There are so many products available on the market these days, it's hard to figure out what is best for your baby. Read on to discover my top picks for teething products in 2020.


There are a lot of toys available, and ultimately you will have to figure out what works best for your baby. Here are a few of my (Munchkin's) favourites:

Flexees, Orthees and more

Did you know there is a whole range of teething toys available from Dr Brown's*? No? Neither did I! They are amazing though, and Munchkin loves them. His favourite is the Flexees Friends octopus… which also comes in fox, elephant and other forms too. Each of their products is BPA free and the range is suitable for babies 3m+. Small enough for little hands to grip, with different colours and shapes for them to explore; these products are ideal for your teething baby.


Bickiepegs is a brand that has been around for years, and was even used by John's parents for him (the reason I use him as an example is he is ten years older than I am!) We used the teething biscuits for Squidgy, and now, 6 years on, we have been introduced to their newest product... Peggie the Penguin*. The best part is is has its very own safety clip and ribbon, so if Munchkin drops it, it doesn't get lost. Obviously it went down a storm with his big sister too, as Pickle is obsessed with penguins!


Teething jewellery

You may have seen the Nibbling teething necklace I recieved from Kiddies Kingdom* in my 2020 Breastfeeding Essentials blog poat but it's also fantastic for your teething baby. Having a teething product which can be worn by me, and looks great, means one less thing for me to take out and about now we are lucky enough to have the lockdown restrictions of 2020 easing slightly. Nibbling necklaces are BPA free and made with food grade silicone which means you know that despite being an awesome accessory for you, it is also safe for your teething baby.



Dribble bibs

If there is one piece of advice I can give you when it comes to dealing with a teething baby, it is to have plenty of dribble bibs to hand. You won’t regret it! I absolutely love the Ziggle bandana bibs*, and they are the ideal choice for a dribbling, teething baby. Obviously for my rainbow baby I picked out the rainbow range, but Ziggle offer a range of amazing options including different colours, patterns and even bibs with animals on! You can buy individual bibs or bib sets and they are machine washable and tumble dryer friendly… perfect, as every parent will understand the amount of washing you need to do once you start having children.

Bibs with teethers

A bib with a teether is double the awesomeness! With Dr Brown's foxy teething bib we can protect Munchkin's clothes from teething dribbles and give him a teething ring to chew on too! The ring simply attaches to the underside of the bib with a little snap fastener. Simply undo the snap fastener and remove the ring before you pop the bib into the wash. The bibs are cut too, wouldn’t you agree?


I thought these were a bit of an odd gift for a newborn when my aunt sent them our way, but actually they are awesome! Albeit the weather hasn’t been great for wearing thick socks (no one wants to wear socks in 30 degree heat) but these socks from Nuby are fantastic. One of the best things about using these as a teething product is Munchkin can’t get them off. Plus, as with most babies, he loves his feet. He is obsessed with playing with them, and chewing on his toes. So why not put a teether there?


While we're on the subject of items your baby will love to chew but can't drop, why not check out the Gummee Glove from Kiddies Kingdom*. This is another fabulous option for little ones who love to chew on their own hands and feet. Munchkin always has his hands up in his mouth, if he’s not having milk or chewing on his toes. The Gummee Glove is perfect as is can be popped onto his hand and he can chew on any of the teethers found at the top and sides. They are available in different sizes and colours; are compliant with all safety laws for the UK, EU, USA; are FDA & CE approved and best of all (because I know you’re wondering!) they are machine washable.


Teething gel, granules and more

Ever heard of Bonjela? Of course you have, we even use it as adults. Make sure you keep some Bonjela teething gel (the one safe for babies from 2m+) close to hand. It is the perfect way to soothe your baby’s sore, inflamed gums during the worst stages of teething. You can also find camilia eething granules which is a homeopathic suitable for babies 1m+ and can help to relieve symptoms such as restlessness and diarrhea.

So, there you go. If you have a drooling and/or fussy baby, and you know it’s likely they’re teething you now have my top picks for teething products in 2020. Before you know it, they will have all their milk teeth and be talking to you about the tooth fairy as they await their first wobbly tooth.


For more blog posts about new babies from photoshoots to must have products, check out the category here. Do you have a favourite product your used with your newborn? Let me know in the comments below.


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Top Teething Products for 2020