Lodore Falls from Derwentwater | Exploring the Lake District
My grandma was one of the most influential, important people in my life. It’s no surprise I fell in love with the Lake District and wanted to move here; it was one of her favourite places. A spot she loved to visit (on her birthday, most every year!) was Lodore Falls. This year we celebrated her first heavenly birthday with a walk to visit Lodore Falls in her memory.
About Lodore Falls
Where can I park?
We parked in the National Trust Kettlewell car park on the Derwentwater lakeshore. It is not the biggest car park, and can be quite busy on good weather days. Always try and arrive early if you wish to guarantee a spot.
To find the car park, use this post code: CA12 5UN.
If you are a NT member, you will need to scan your membership card in order to park for free. If you need to pay and display, you can pay with cash or card.
How far is the walk?
The walk itself was about 3/4 of a mile, and it only took us around 20 minutes with both girls in tow (I was carrying Munchkin in the sling as per usual!)
Is this walk suitable for children?
Compared to some of the walks we've done with our children, this was one of the shorter ones. You don't have to walk too far up hill to find it, and where you do it's not too steep. In total we only went up just under 200ft, and that included clambering across the boulders to the falling water.
Whilst this route would be suitable for most children of all ages, it's not a route I would consider accessible. This is especially true if you want to get close to the waters edge. Here you have to clamber across rocks and boulders.
Are there facilities available?
Unlike many of the National Trust spots we visit, neither the falls nor the car park have any toilets available. There is, however, the Lodore Falls Hotel & Spa which provides food and accommodation.
N.B. I’ve never been myself so can't advise you on the food or prices, but it was somewhere my grandparents loved to stay.
How to find Lodore Falls
Once you have put the car parking ticket into your car, return to the entrance. Directly opposite you will see a gap in the wall.
N.B. Please take care when crossing the road. Despite being a 40 limit, people often travel quite fast, and the windy roads mean the view is obstructed.
Once you have crossed over, turn right. Now you need to follow the path, which runs parallel to the road (which is to your right), winding through trees and boulders. As you come to the end of the path, it opens up and you will see a gate ahead with a smaller marker post. Turn left and head up the hill. By now you can hear the sound of Lodore Falls.
Follow the path up and you will see Lodore Falls Hotel & Spa buildings to your right, a viewpoint bench ahead of you and the falls to your left. From here you can enjoy the falls, or wander down to explore closer to the waters edge.
So, if you are in the area and want to go on a nice short, easy walk with your children, this one is perfect. Plus, the falls are a beautiful place to end the walk! Don't forget, you also have Derwentwater to explore if you want to make more of a day trip out of it.
For more blog posts about exploring the beautiful places we have on our Cumbrian doorstep check out my Lake District category here. Have you found somewhere amazing to visit in the Lake District? We love to explore new spots, so feel free to share in the comments below.
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