My Twenty Wishes for 2017
I didn't really set myself any targets in terms of new years resolutions this year. To be honest I didn't even have half a second to myself to consider what they would be if I did set myself some goals. Instead, I am going to focus my twenty wishes on a few areas; myself, my family, my blog and my business.
To lead a healthier lifestyle, including an increase in exercise, drinking more water and eating better. Hopefully as a by product I will be able to slim down my mummy tummy and lose a bit of weight.
To learn to not be so hard on myself. There have been a few times in the last couple of months where I have felt like a failure as a mama, when Little L was inconsolable or Squidgy has thrown epic tantrums. I am doing the best that I can and that is all anyone can ask of me!
To spend less time on social media. This does not mean that I will neglect my blog, my business or the friends that I have made online; it simply means that I wish to balance my time better so I may spend more time with my children than plugged into my phone scrolling Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
To have a better control of my emotions. I can lose my cool a bit too quickly, and I am prone to overreacting. I hope that this year I can begin to be calmer and keep my temper at bay.
To take more photos, or ask for someone to take more photos, of me and my children together. I am forever taking photos of my husband with them, yet I only have a few with them, most of which are selfies and not the greatest quality.
To take more time out for myself. I love being a wife, and mama and taking care of the home that we share, however I want to make sure I take an hour to myself a couple of times a week; to have a bath or read a book and have some me time.
To spend more time baking. I have taken a step back from it and only done things for events such as birthdays but I love it and enjoy it, so I want to do it more for me, and not just when there is an occasion to call for it.
For Squidgy to make the transition to preschool without any drama or problems.
For my girls love for each other to continue to grow as they bond with each other.
For my husband and I to continue to love each other as strongly as ever. He truly is my other half, and even though we have two children we always make time for each other and our relationship is made stronger by having them.
To spend more time doing things as a family, not just sitting at home in front of the TV. We have already began weekly trips to Ferry Meadows (a local park) and I would love to increase the amount that we get out together as the weather continues to get better.
To see our extended family more often. Unfortunately due to the expense of travelling cross country to them, and also how much effort goes into travelling with two small children, the amount that I have seen my family and in-laws has greatly diminished since having Little L.
To grow my social media. My aim is to reach 5k followers on Twitter, 3k followers on Instagram and 1k on Facebook.
To increase my readership. I currently have an average UMV (unique monthly visitors) number of 2,534 and monthly page views of 6,694. It grows every day and if I can triple these numbers by the end of the year I will be 'happy as Larry' as they say!
By the end of the year I would like my blog to be a sustainable source of income for me.
Finally, to not lose my love for writing. This blog has become a wonderful escape for me; somewhere to share my thoughts, and feelings in a way that is therapeutic to me and hopefully helpful to others. As much as I would love for my blog to become my main source of income, I would not want it to be at the expense of my love for writing.
For Mama Naii's Crochet to continue to grow, and for more people to fall in love with my handmade crochet items as the customers who have already returned for more and more of my work.
For it to be just as successful when I re open my order books as it was before I went on maternity leave.
For me to be able to find the time to dedicate to my orders, despite having two children to care for as well!
2024 has been a pretty amazing year. You can check out some wonderful highlights here.