My 2021 | My Year Review
This year may have started off in lockdown but there has been plenty of good along the way. Read on to discover the highlights of 2021 in the Hassan household.
We found out surprise baby #4 was on their way
And had a scan to confirm a rough gestation
John’s birthday
The big 4-0!
We had a bit of a scare, and another scan
My birthday
The big 3-0!
Peanut's dating scan
Baby #4's due date was August 12th 2021
Munchkin's birthday
His first!
Our pregnancy announcement
Check out how we told everyone (some fabulous pregnancy announcement ideas included!) in the post on my blog here.

Squidgy’s birthday
The girls went back to school after lockdown
Mother's Day
Peanut's anomaly scan
We found out the sex of Baby #4
Our gender reveal
Check out how we told everyone (some fabulous gender reveal ideas included!) in the post on my blog here.
John went back to work
We celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary
Peanut had a growth scan
She was 28+1 weeks here
I survived half term
With 3 children while pregnant
I was on my own 24/7 as John travels away to work and was really ill during my pregnancy, but we kept busy and it went well.

Father's Day
We made a trip to Wray Castle
You can check out the castle from how to find it to what's there on my blog here.
Peanut had another growth scan
She was 32+1 weeks here
Our maternity photoshoot
On the lakeshore at Bassenthwaite Lake
We took some stunning photos at 35+3 weeks pregnant, and you can read all about it here.

Baby Peanut made us a family of 6!
Peanut was born on July 23rd 2021, three weeks early! You can read her birth story here.
Our newborn photoshoot
On the lakeshore at Derwentwater in Keswick
We took some stunning photos when Peanut was just 3 days young, and you can read all about it here.

Squidgy graduated from the infant school
My brother announced they’re expecting (again)
Peanut smiled for the first time
She was almost 5 weeks and hasn’t stopped since!
Peanut met family and friends

We met up with John's sister and family
For the first time in almost 2 years
We even managed to get some gorgeous family photos! I am so pleased with these.
Back to school
With Squidgy and Pickle starting new schools
My best friend got married
(FINALLY! After being Delayed due to Covid)

We went to Scotland
And finally introduced our two youngest to my family up there

We bought a house!
We started renovating the house
You can check out the before and after photos and coverage of our renovation journey on my blog here.
We saw family
Including meeting our one year old nephew for the first time

Pickle’s birthday
Peanut's first Christmas
A visit to Santa
Finally? My Instagram top nine
So, there you go. I loved looking back over this year, and I hope you've enjoyed it too. I have so many wonderful memories from 2021, and it's been so exciting to see our family grow. Thank you so much for your amazing love and support this year. Here's to just as wonderful a year in 2022.
For more blog posts about previous year reviews, check out the category here. How was your 2021? Let me know in the comments below.
2024 has been a pretty amazing year. You can check out some wonderful highlights here.