My 2016 | A Year in Review
This year, like many others, has been made up of many moments both low and high. Despite the lows I have had a wonderful year. Now that we are moving into 2017, I decided I had to share with you a few of the amazing reasons why I have loved 2016!
It's funny really, I decided to do this post ages ago... and being relatively new to blogging, I didn't know that I was going to be one of many bloggers doing so!
It would appear that it's the season when it's a given that we bloggers will review the year that we have had, just as it comes to a close.
With all the media coverage of celebrity deaths, Brexit, Trump being elected as the next US president and other major events of 2016, it was actually quite refreshing to sit and write this post.
Despite some personal low points, including losing my husband's grandmother (to whom we were both close) this year has been pretty awesome for my family and me.
John's 35th birthday
My 25th birthday
Squidgy's 2nd birthday
My handmade crochet business, Mama Naii's Crochet became profitable just over a year from me opening my order books to the public.
Positive pregnancy test
Baby Pickle's early scan
Our pregnancy announcement
Baby Pickle's anatomy scan
My post, To Reveal, or Not Reveal, That is the Question tells the full story of our gender reveal.
The gender reveal
Baby Pickle's 4D scan
I wrote a post about Seeing Baby so you can have a peek at some more of the photos we received on the day!
Our maternity photoshoot
Check out some of the photos in the post I wrote about it, Making Memories at our Maternity Photoshoots.
Baby Pickle arrived
Baby Pickle's newborn photoshoot
So, there you go. That closes my year in review... but before I wish you all a happy new year, I thought I would share a few of my blogging highlights too!
My 2016 blogging highlights
In August (after talking to a friend who said I should blog...) I started to write posts for a blog which I decided to call, "Me Becoming Mum".
I started without any real idea of where it was going, and without a real plan for the future... I was simply writing my thoughts into posts and learning as I went along.
On the 6th of October, I set up my website & went self-hosted with my blog here at Me Becoming Mum.
Even then I could not have foreseen how much it would grow and become something amazing in the months that followed.
Another highlight for me was when my amazing artist friend and fellow mama designed and drew me a beautiful new logo for my blog.
I love it, and how it symbolises my journey into motherhood.
As of the end of the year (just over three months from setting up my account) I have over 900 new followers on Twitter, and have met some amazing blogging friends there.
As of the end of the year (just over three months from setting up my account) I have over 600 new followers on Instagram, and have had some wonderful feedback on my account.
My 2016 Best Nine
I think the best way to end this post is to share with you my #2016bestnine!
2024 has been a pretty amazing year. You can check out some wonderful highlights here.