Your Best Friend Bella | Fingerlings Hugs Review | Me Becoming Mum

I have had the amazing opportunity to check out and review the new Fingerlings Hugs. We were sent Bella, the pink version and immediately I fell in love. More importantly Squidgy too fell in love with her and here are a few reasons why we think she is so fabulous.

Fingerlings Hugs are super cute and oh so soft

The moment Bella the pink Fingerlings Hugs arrived I loved her, even before I introduced her to Squidgy and saw her (adorable) reaction to this new friend. She looks so cute, with big eyes that open and close as she lays back and sits up and a little yellow tuft of hair on her head. She is made from the softest pink material from the tip of her head to the bottom of her hands and feet. Huggable and loveable this gorgeous addition to the Fingerlings family is the perfect gift for children. 


Fingerlings Hugs kiss you back

I think my favourite feature of the new Fingerlings Hugs is their ability to kiss you, all you have to do it press her mouth against your skin and listen to the squeaky little "mwah" sound it makes. Squidgy (as you can tell by the video below) thought that this feature was fantastic, and spent most of the first day alternating between making Bella kiss her and repeat back silly noises to her. 

Fingerlings Hugs hug you close

With Velcro on her hands, you can pop Bella the pink Fingerlings Hugs' arms around you and enjoy a soft, snuggly hug with your new best friend. Whether you hug her back, or wander round giving her a piggy back like Squidgy did; having the ability to pop her hands together and have a hug is a Fingerlings Hugs namesake, and such a lovely feature to have.


Fingerlings Hugs chat, blow raspberries and more

Pressing the Fingerlings Hugs ear will cause them to make a variety of sounds. Squidgy thought it was hilarious when she heard Bella not only say, "hello" and blow raspberries,  but also fart and burp. My favourite thing is the way that you could get Bella to repeat back anything you say by simply pressing and holding the button in her ear. This video is my favourite (possibly ever!) not just because Squidgy wanted Bella to say, "I love you" but because of her reaction at the end. A simple, honest, perfect reaction to the repeat back feature of the Fingerlings Hugs.

Fingerlings Hugs are your best friend

Bella the Fingerlings Hugs has done everything from watch TV to eat breakfast with Squidgy.  She has had her hair brushed, teeth (not that she has any, but you know...) brushed, and even had make-up put on. Squidgy is in love with Bella, and couldn't be happier with her new best friend. In fact now she wants a whole collection of the Fingerlings family, starting with the Fingerlings purple unicorn (which she doesn't know we have already bought her for Christmas!)


We have had so much fun with Bella, from bed time snuggles to making her repeat silly noises and everyone (even John) has loved having her around. The Fingerlings Hugs are also available as Boris the blue monkey and there is rumour of even a unicorn version being released! They make a fantastic gift for children of all ages, so whether you are looking for Christmas gifts or birthday gifts be sure to add the Fingerlings Hugs to your gift list.


For more reviews of products and services we use in our lives as parents raising our two girls visit my reviews page. If you have any questions about our Fingerlings Hugs which I have not covered in this post, feel free to ask in the comments section below.


Disclaimer: I was sent Bella the pink Fingerlings Hugs in return for an honest review. The review words and opinions are my own. All photos and videos are copyright property of Me Becoming Mum.