My Husband and Me | Blogtober 2018 | Me Becoming Mum
It is no secret that I am very much in love with my amazing husband, I have shared posts about it on my blog (like the letter I wrote to him last year which you can read here) and regularly get mushy on social media (for example this Instagram post amongst many others). In honour of National Boyfriend Day, even though he's now my husband, I'm writing about just a few of the reasons why John really is the love of my life.
We were a little bit in love on our first date.
I'm not going to lie, we have been a little bit in love for like... forever. Even on our first date we were soppy as anything and it wasn't long before I decided he was "the one". Seriously though, look at us!
When I have needed someone to hold my hand, or a shoulder to cry on, he’s always been there.
In the time John and I have been together, we have been through a lot; from losing two babies (which you may have read about in my post about our miscarriages) to my diagnosis with PND, anxiety and depression. Throughout everything, John has been my rock, my solid constant, my support, a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on. I cannot imagine having to go through anything without him by my side.
For a big, tough guy he plans the best and most romantic dates.
Whether it's a trip to London to go to the theatre or explore the tourist sights, or a couples photoshoot, o even a night out to see Michael Bublé (who I love... a lot) live, John has always managed to exceed my expectations when it comes to dates. Even though they are slightly different these days as we have the girls to consider he still does an amazing job.

We are perfectly matched because he is just as crazy as me.
I don't think this needs any explanation.
I think we look good together.
Maybe I'm biased but I think we are a great match and look amazing together. I have so many photos (mostly selfies!) of us and love the way we look when we are together.
He put up with me being a bridezilla to make sure we had the perfect wedding day.
Any man who can put up with everything I put John through in the lead up to our wedding must ha d the patience of a saint. I will happily admit that I was a massive Bridezilla and wanted things to be exactly right, and in the end we had an awesome (and most definitely perfect!) day. Seven years on I still love looking back at our photos and I have such amazing memories from that special day.
Seeing how amazing he is as a daddy, I couldn’t ask for anyone better!
John literally is the best daddy in the world. The girls love him, and he is massively involved in their lives from piggy backs and holding hands to doing the school run to getting down on the living room floor to help build a Brio train track. He and my girls have such an amazing relationship and I will never tire of seeing him relish his job as a dad.
In December he will have put up with me for ten years, I think he deserves a medal!
December will mark ten years of John and I being a couple. He has put up with me and all my quirks and other craziness for that long and I salute him, because I know at times I've not been the easiest person to live with!
I love my husband so very much, I can't even begin to put into words how much he really means to me. He is the exact meaning of "other half": he really does complete me. He makes me a better person, and I love him more and more each day.
I love you John, always and forever.
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