20 Facts About Me | Get to Know Me Becoming Mum

Way back in 2016 I wrote a post called, “20 Facts About Me”.

It's been 9 years since I wrote that post, and a lot has changed - so I thought I would reintroduce myself and share 20 facts to help you get to know me better. Read on to discover all about me.

1. John and I have been married for nearly 14 years!

Fun fact: We celebrated a decade of marriage during the third UK Covid lockdown in 2021.

2. This year we will have been together 17 years.

As we started dating when I was 17, this means this year I will officially have been with John as long as I lived without him.

3. We now have four children.

In addition to our two eldest girls, Squidgy and Pickle we now have our son, Munchkin, and our little golden baby, Peanut.

4. Peanut has a number of additional needs.

We are currently being supported by ENT, Speech and Language Therapy, and the children's paediatric team. It's certainly been a journey but she is wonderful, loving, and super sweet. No matter how hard it can be, she is worth everything.

5. We bought a house.

Since my that last post we were blessed with the opportunity to buy a home for our family. It needed a lot of renovation will has been long and expensive (and is still ongoing if I'm completely honest!) We have lived there for just over three years now.

6. I discovered I'm pretty good at DIY.

Renovating is not for the faint hearted… especially once you actually move into the house you're working on. You'll be amazed by how many skills you can learn when you're on a strict budget, however. My most recent achievement was building and fitting built-in bedroom storage on my own!

7. I love to crochet.

I set up Mama Naii's Crochet years ago. Although I don’t often sell much anymore, I still love to crochet and find it really helps with my mental health. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an “old person's” hobby, and I'm so glad I taught myself to create beautiful handmade gifts.

8. I recently returned to work.

It took a little while to find the right job, but with all of my children in school and nursery I felt it was time to no longer be a stay at home mom and only do the occasional freelance work. I now work for the NHS, and I am so grateful for the friends I’ve made and opportunities I’ve had.

9. My side of the family has grown.

When I last wrote facts about me, I was the first and only one of my immediate family to be married and have children. Now my brothers and I have grown our family from three to fifteen, and my youngest brother has another wee one on the way in 2025.

10. My favourite Disney character is the Cheshire Cat.

I'm talking pink and purple, original classic Disney Chesh. I am a huge Disney fan and have a house full of items from ornaments to bed linen, but Alice in Wonderland will always be my favourite.

11. We now only have one cat.

Sadly we lost Jess, but we still have Pebbles. She can be a pain in the backside but is the most friendly, loving furbaby you'll ever meet.

12. We love a good staycation at a caravan park.

With the Lake District being our own back yard, it's great to get away somewhere a bit different when we go for a staycation. Although we've done a few trips to Scotland, Northumberland is a family favourite with tonnes of amazing family-friendly days out.

13. We haven’t been abroad since 2017.

In 2017 we went on a Cunard Baltic cruise but have not been abroad since. Staycations are a more budget-friendly option for a family of six and we spend our holidays in Northumberland, Scotland, or visiting family.

14. We moved to Cumbria just before Covid hit.

We have been so blessed to have the opportunity to settle in Cumbria, with the Lake District right on our doorstep. It has give us the most amazing experiences, especially during the Covid lockdowns. Having all the wild, green spaces to explore and enjoy just a stones throw from our home couldn’t be more ideal. Plus it is the perfect place to raise a family.

15. My blog has evolved from family lifestyle to travel.

While I still write other content, the majority of my blog now features our family travels and days out across the UK. I love to write content on a mix of all the amazing places we have visited, but particularly love sharing about the fabulous local businesses, days out, activities, and more that our Lake District back yard has to offer.

16. I love tattoos and piercings.

I have a few more since that original post. I have three facial piercings, twenty-four ear piercings and seven tattoos with more planned.

17. Every two weeks I make sure to carve out ‘me time’.

Non-negotiable terms of parenthood should be each parent getting a chance to have a break and some ‘me time’. Mine comes in the form of lash extension appointments and occasionally child-free nail appointments.

18. I only drink hot chocolate… and have a massive sweet tooth.

Unlike most parents, I don’t survive on caffeine. In fact I actually hate the smell and taste of tea and coffee, so if I have a hot drink it’s always hot chocolate (and occasional lemon and honey if I’m unwell). Along the same vein, I love all things sweet, particularly cakes and pastries!

19. I'm a massive bookworm.

Although reading took a back seat when I had my children, I’ve recently picked this hobby back up. I have an eclectic mix of favourites from crime fiction to fantasy and these days “reading” looks a little different… sometimes it’s eBooks, sometimes it’s audiobooks. That being said there is nothing quite like holding a real book and turning the paper pages.

20. Christmas is still my favourite time of year.

I feel like now we own our own house I have the opportunity to do more than ever at Christmas. Everything from curtains and rugs, to gallery walls and ornaments, to crockery and glassware gets swapped and decorated.

So, there you go. Now you have a little insight into me, my family, my loves, likes, and life. I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me a bit better, and will stick around for all our upcoming adventures.

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