Five Ways to Teach Your Child Good Hygiene Habits

Getting children to do anything involves time and patience, and if ever there was something that needs perseverance it’s good hygiene habits. The more you repeat patterns the easier it becomes and the more independent your child becomes. Over time things will become more and more automatic, just as long as you have a plan and stick to it. With that said, let’s look at five ways you can teach your child good hygiene habits.

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Caring for Baby Clothes Between Bumps: How to Keep Baby Clothes Looking Great

Few things are cuter than baby clothes, with their tiny buttons and little booties. As anyone who has children knows, these items soon become important, representing our little ones and gaining much sentimental value. It’s no wonder then that people often want to save baby clothes, whether for another baby down the line or just to remind us of a very special time.

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How to Include Children in Household Chores

Household chores can take ages and be a bit dull, but if you get the kids involved you can save time and even have some fun together. Whether it’s dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing or folding laundry, there’s plenty that they can do to help. The key is to keep it interesting and make sure they have a reason to help, otherwise it might end up being more of a hindrance. Let’s check out a handful of ways you can get your children involved in household chores.

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The Benefits of Playing Outdoors

Playing outdoors undoubtedly has a number of great benefits for children. It’s one of the most natural things for them to want do and encouraging them to get outside for a run around, ride or play shouldn’t really take that much effort. With that in mind, let’s check out some of the biggest benefits of playing outdoors.

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